Be Silent On A Music Score

Be Silent On A Music Score – Inez Garrison used these sheet music while watching silent films at a theater in Marion, Kansas. The music created an atmosphere that a silent film alone could not.

The earliest films belong to the silent film era. From about 1895 to 1929, this generation of films got its name because the films had no recorded dubbed sound or dialogue. Although filmmaking itself was silent, it was not theater. Music has long been used in live theater to entertain the audience between acts or as part of vaudeville. It was only logical that it followed the new invention of film. The music enhanced the movie viewing experience. It also had the added benefit of masking the clicking sound of a film projector.

Be Silent On A Music Score

Be Silent On A Music Score

The piano was the instrument of choice for most film companies. Both pianos and amateur pianists were readily available in every town. Since young women were usually trained on this instrument, theater owners often hired them to act as accompanists. The ladies knew a variety of musical styles, including classical, folk and popular songs. Silent film musicians relied heavily on classical and popular music for accompaniment. They also tried to create sound effects with their instruments such as bumps, horse hooves or falls.

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Already in the 1910s, film accompanists used music to set the mood. Composers wrote music, known as photoplays, specifically for films. Some songs were labeled with the type of scene they would follow. These instructions can be seen in the photo game music show here. For example, “Furioso” was played during scenes of storms or confusion, and “Mysterioso” accompanied scenes of invisibility and murder.

China compiled libraries of these works. The accompanists selected specific songs from the library to match the various themes of the film. Some films came with sheets indicating which song should be played for each scene. The musicians also improvised some segments, giving the accompaniment a personal flourish. As longer feature films became common, film studios hired composers to write music unique to each film. The music was included in the film when it was broadcast in cinemas.

After the development of sound films in the late 1920s, cinemas no longer needed accompanists or music libraries. Inez Garrison, a film accompanist, used this note in the 1920s while working at the Garden Theater in Marion, Kansas. As a young single woman, Inez also played for the local Kiwanas club and swing dance band. Many of the pieces are marked with her name on the back, meaning she may have purchased them herself. It is also possible that they belonged to the theater, and when it was no longer needed, Inez took her favorite pieces with her as a memento of her time in show business. The music was donated by Inez’s daughter to the collections of the Kansas Historical Museum.

Author Information: The Kansas Historical Society is a state agency whose mission is to actively preserve and share the state’s history.

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