Bill Of Lading Template Excel

Bill Of Lading Template Excel - When shipping physical inventory - whether raw materials or finished goods - you need to agree who is responsible for lost, delayed or damaged goods. A bill of lading (BoL) can act as a legal contract between the carrier and the consignee, and also as a receipt for shipping the inventory. In this article, you will find the most commonly used waybill scenarios and free downloadable templates in Microsoft Word and Excel, PDF, and Google Sheets formats that you can customize to suit your needs.

This generic waybill template includes space to list shipping and shipping addresses, tracking numbers, delivery company contact information, and special instructions. In addition, there is space for detailed notes on each item (quantity, type, weight, etc.) and a declaration of liability for each item. At the bottom of the template you will find space for the signatures of the sender and the carrier, which authenticate the entire document.

Bill Of Lading Template Excel

Bill Of Lading Template Excel

A bill of lading is a non-negotiable document that ensures the strict delivery of cargo to the named consignee. With a simple bill of lading, the goods delivered are not transferable – this is different from the typical BOL, which is inherently negotiable (often referred to as “made to order”). If you handle non-transferable consumables, use this template to ensure you provide (and sign) all legal details of your agreement. Available in Excel, Word, and PDF formats, this template has space for shipment details, contact information for both shipper and consignee, and an entire section for fine print conditions that you can fill out yourself.

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A short bill of lading contains only the necessary information - contact and address information, instructions and signatures - with no additional terms and conditions. Use this template for routine or low-risk orders, but remember that the document will be signed by both the sender and the carrier to make it official.

This template is specially designed for sea transport. You provide all the standard BoL contact and shipping information, and you also provide the vessel number, voyage number and ports of loading and discharge. Because shipping handles and organizes freight differently than other distribution methods, be sure to be specific about the nature of packages, containers, and items so that nothing gets lost in transit. This template is also available in Excel, Word, and PDF formats - fill in the form on your computer or print and fill out by hand.

Use this template for ground transportation shipments. Provide contact information for both the shipper and receiver, then list each package (or "unit") to be shipped as a separate entry in the table provided. Be sure to check each item for hazardous materials so the shipping company can take the necessary safety precautions. There is also space for additional handling instructions.

Use this form when shipping cars. In addition to all the standard information included in the Bill of Lading, there is a section to note any damage, scratches, dents or other anomalies present on the vehicle at the time of shipment. By completing this section, you will ensure that you know who is responsible for further damage during delivery. Cars are expensive and difficult to move, so make sure all parties read and agree to all the terms listed, which you can customize to fit your specific agreement.

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An air waybill (AWB), also known as a bill of lading, is a non-negotiable document that serves as a contract of carriage and receipt for goods shipped by an international airline. Depending on the circumstances, it can also be used as an invoice, proof of insurance (the sender is responsible for delivering the goods), and even a customs declaration. This air waybill template includes space for the parties' contact information, transportation details (departure and destination airports, date of flight, etc.), and insurance. Then list all the details of the goods to be shipped: item number, weight, chargeable price, description of the goods, taxes and more.

In many ways, a commercial invoice works like a bill of lading: on both ends, you list the contact information of the shipper and consignee, details about the goods being shipped, and signatures. What makes a commercial invoice different is that you also need to provide pricing information - so the document can double as an invoice. You can also use the invoice as a customs declaration for international trade. Use this Excel template to create a comprehensive commercial invoice that includes all shipping and pricing information in one place.

For shipping to and from Canada, the government requires much of the information normally found on a bill of lading: shipper, consignee, piece, weight, product description, whether prepaid or not, declared value, and any special instructions shipping or service. The main difference is that all information must be reported in both English and French. This template provides an English and French translation of the Direct Bill of Lading template above for use with international shipments to or from Canada.

Bill Of Lading Template Excel

) is a legal document that serves as a receipt for shipped goods or cargo. The BoL prepared by the supplier is carried with the inventory and given to the recipient as formal proof that the requested goods have moved to the shipping stage. It is therefore important to ensure that the supplier is paid and the recipient receives the BoL cargo on time and without damage. Waybills are most commonly used in international trade. In British English the term applies only to goods carried by ship, but in the US it can be used for various modes of transport.

Bill Of Lading Form

A bill of lading includes the contact information of all parties involved, order number and other tracking numbers, estimated shipping and delivery dates, information about the delivery method (transportation method, carrier, etc.), and a detailed inventory of the shipment's contents. . In addition, the BoL usually contains any special shipping instructions as well as the terms of the delivery contract between the supplier and the recipient.

As previously mentioned, a bill of lading is a legal document - which means that obtaining approval signatures is a critical element. In most cases, the supplier signs the BoL once the goods have been packed into the delivery mode (truck, ship, freight train, plane, etc.) and the recipient signs the BoL when they receive the requested goods undamaged -time goods.

The bill of lading function is simple, but its full convenience may not be immediately apparent. Ultimately, BoL protects the seller, shipper and consignee from lawsuits by recording when and where a shipment is delivered - thus acting as a receipt and contract of carriage. If a problem occurs (ie if a delivery is delayed or lost), the BoL can help you identify when or where the problem occurred and blame the right party.

Remember, a bill of lading is technically a legal document, so make sure all the information on it is accurate and up to date. Of course, the BoL is useless unless it is signed and dated by all parties involved.

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Bill Of Lading Template Excel

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Bill Of Lading Sample 76634213

Of course, if you intend to use such s to support your work, it pays to have an awareness of how to use them correctly. After all, if you intend to use such tools for your assistance, you deserve to know everything you need to know about them. For example, if you wanted to create your bills of lading using Excel, it would only be logical to know how to create receipts in Excel. With that in mind, some of these insights should be useful in helping you understand how these can work to your advantage. Example of a blank bill of lading

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